Background of the Temple (Plaques)
Importance of the Plaque Study
In most cases, plaques is given due to the significant events:
1. the appreciation from the Emperors
2. the appreciation from the famous in the society
3. the records of the repair
4. the worship to the great history or the great stories of the god or the goddess
5. the worship to the great history
These worship reflected that the traditional Chinese values and Chinese culture towards the gods, the goddesses or the respectful and significant models.

Cap. 1 顯靈顯聖 (literally meaning: 顯 is reveal; 靈 is magic; 聖 is scare.) means the revival of miracles. That shows the people hope Tin Hau can protect them away from danger.

Cap. 2 坤德配天(literally meaning: 坤 is the earth; 德 is virtue; 配 is matching; 天 is the heaven) means that the virtue of Tin Hau is as good as the heaven.

Cap. 3 海不揚波 (literal meaning: 海 means the sea; 不 means "do not"; 揚 means "make/ produce"; 波 means waves) means the calm sea; it is also appreciating the effort of Tin Hau to protect the fishermen.

Cap. 4 海上褔星 (literal meaning: 海 means the sea; 上 means "on" or "above" ; 褔 means "fortune";星 means star) means the lucky star of the Sea ; it is also appreciating that Tin Hau always brings fortunes to the fishermen.

Cap.5 變虎 (above) (literal meaning: 變means "change"; 虎 means tiger) means the clever tiger. 月照分明助嘯聲(left) (literal meaning:月照 mean moonlight; 分明 means clear; 助 means "assist/ help"; 嘯 means "blowing"; 聲 means sound) means that the moonlight shines and the tiger blows; that is a picture to describe how magnificence of the tiger. 風來頓覺添威勢 (right) (literal meaning: 風 means wind; 來 means "come"; 頓 means sudden; 覺 means "feel"; 添 means "add"; 威勢 means power/authority/strength) means that the feeling of be empowered when the wind blows.